Program Advisory Committees (PACs)
Virginia Institute of Science & Technology (VIST) built the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) according to accreditation requirement in 2019. PAC at VIST is an independent committee for each occupational program or each group of related occupational programs (referred to hereafter as “program area”). The purpose of the Program Advisory Committee is to “review the established curricula of the program, instructional-related program materials, equipment and facilities, and student achievement outcomes as a means to provide the school with an external review of its programs”.
According to the regulation, the PAC members must be comprised of appropriately qualified representatives external to the institution (i.e., non-school employees) who can provide a meaningful review of the school’s programs and supporting resources and materials.
Generally, there are at least two regularly scheduled meetings are hold annually, one of which held at the institute Tyson Campus. Written and detailed minutes of each meeting is maintained and include a description of all members in attendance (i.e., titles and affiliations); the date, time, and location of the meeting; and a comprehensive and clear description of the review of and commentary made by the school representatives and the Program Advisory Committee members.
Program Advisory Committee review and comment activities must include:
i. Review, at least annually, the established curriculum of the program and comment as to the appropriateness and adequacy of the program objectives, program length, curriculum content (including academic general education or applied general education as appropriate), learning resources, and the adequacy of facilities and equipment.
ii. Review and comment, at least annually, on student graduation, graduate employment, and where required, state licensing examination outcomes of each program.
iii. Review and comment on the appropriateness of curriculum objectives, program length, and curriculum content of all new programs prior to submission for Commission approval.
The PAC members will not be assigned particular tasks or responsibilities by VIST. PAC Board members are honorary positions and volunteers. The VIST PAC members serve for a 3-year per term and are renewable. The PAC members only need to attend the Semi-annual meeting (or via teleconference if they cannot personally attend).