Board of Directors & Trustees (BOD)
VIST BoD Members
VIST is a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board of Directors. The roles of the BOD are described as, but not limited to, the following tasks:
BoD Functions & Roles:
Make final decisions, policies and regulations for VIST.
Give final approval to VIST’s budget, business plans, institute development strategy, campus selection, etc.
Hire or terminate VIST’s President.
Hire or terminate Executives and Senior Staffs.
Approve Institute’s executives, senior staff members’ and faculty’s salaries and benefits.
Approve Institute’s consultants’ and contractors’ compensation, bonus and commissions.
Approve the addition or removal of VIST academic majors, departments, and colleges that proposed by Academic Committee and recommended by President.
Review and approve proposed degrees, certification and professional programs.
Approve changes to VIST tuition and fees.
Approve whether students meet all required academic standards and agree to grant degrees to the students.
Approve the VIST’s honorary degrees.
Term of BoD
The Trustees of the BOD are appointed upon recommendation by the Chairman of BOD. The VIST BOD members serve for a 3-year, renewable term. This is an honorable and volunteer position without salary or compensation. The BOD will meet two times per year and special meeting(s) under Chairman required. Dr. ST Martin Ma is the founder, Chairman, CEO and Chancellor at VIST.