School Calendar
February 2025
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Admission Refund Policy


Tuition & Fees Refund Policy

The Institute follows the guidelines set forth by SCHEV as described under 8VAC40-31-160 N (1-12).

Cancellation of Enrollment Agreement: A student may cancel the Enrollment Agreement without any financial penalty prior to the end of the add/drop period. Later cancellations should follow the institute’s refund policy.  Any tuition payment will be refunded to the student within a 45-day period following his/her cancellation notice. Applicants who have not visited the school prior to enrolment will have the opportunity to cancel enrolment without penalty (receive a refund of all money paid other than application/administration fee) within three business days following either the regularly scheduled orientation procedures or following a tour of the school facilities and inspection of equipment where training and services are provided.

Please note that the Institute will only issue tuition refunds to the organization or person who made the original payment. The application fee and the postage fee are not refundable. In order to get full refund a written notice must be received by the last day of add/drop period. In case of no written notice, the last day of attendance will be determined within 14 calendar days after student stopped attending. See “unofficial withdrawal” below.

VIST will issue refunds to students who have terminated their status as students within 45 days after receipt of a written request or the date the student last attended classes whichever is sooner. Following refund schedule is used to determine any refunds VIST owes to the students in case of dropping a class or withdrawing from the institute.

Refund Policy

An official withdrawal is when a student submits an Application to Withdrawal to the Office of the Registrar or when the student withdrawals from all of his/her classes. In this case the date of last attendance will be the day student submitted the withdrawal notice to the institute, as the day of determination.

An unofficial withdrawal is when a student stops attending all his/her classes during the quarter, does not follow the college procedure to officially withdraw as outlined by the Office of the Registrar, and fails to successfully complete the term (i.e., receives all final grades of F, W, WA, U, AW, NG, FN or a combination of both). The last day of attendance will be determined within 14 calendar days after student stopped attending.